Acumen Mentor

The Acumen Mentor is designed to provide you with advice; similar to what a real-life mentor would do. In many cases this provides a safety net to minimize inaccurate results because of unreliable information.

The Deltek Acumen Options dialog box Mentor page allows experienced users to add checks to ensure that all users are working with the most reliable data.

For example, you can set a minimum score that a ribbon must meet to be considered good quality data. When the user runs Risk Analysis, if the ribbon doesn't meet that score, a message displays letting them know that the score is below the threshold and providing ideas on how to improve the data quality.

If you no longer wish to see the mentor message, you can check the "Don't show this again" option on the message box. To see the message again, you can re-enable it on the Deltek Acumen Options Mentor page.